domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Business card!



                          Symbol                                                                 How write

                            @                                                                            At
                             #                                                                     number sign
                            %                                                                       percent sign
                            ^                                                                            carot
                            *                                                                              star
                            (                                                                  opening parentheses
                            )                                                                   closing parentheses
                           _                                                                         underscore
                           -                                                                              dash
                          +                                                                            plus sign
                          =                                                                           equals sign
                           \                                                                            black slash
                          [                                                                         opening bracket
                          ]                                                                          closing brace
                          ;                                                                             semicolon
                          '                                                                              apostrophe
                          :                                                                                 colon
                        " "                                                                         dialogue symbol
                          ,                                                                                  coma
                          .                             period (text) /dot (computer) /point (mathematics)
                          /                                                                            forward slash
                        <                                                                            less than symbol
                        >                                                                           more than symbol
                        ?                                                                              question mark

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

Write Up

Integrated Project “Write Up”
 5# (FIE-RUDOS)      1-D
Group Members

1. David Clemente Guerrero Orozco
2. Abel Cisneros Ramírez
3. Carlos Andres Ponce Flores
4. Ramirez Gordillo Hugo Yael
5. Jose Tapia Enciso 
My responsibilities
I have been searching on books things about the history of the computer, I typed the protocol's justification and some of the history about it, for now my team isn't programming and designing the virtual calculator, we will start it on the second partial.
This proyect is about a virtual calculator that will work in a computer and if my team can do that the virtual calculator works on a smartphone  could be works there too. It will resolve problems of calculus and analytic geometry, physical, mathematical logic and algebra. The period of time that we have to do it is about 3 months, and all that my team want is virtual calculator will be able to be use for every student in around the world, that means the calculator will be simple, that's it.
Communication strategies
Communication methods to collaborate with each other. The best is work toggether in the same roof, the roof in this case it's the campus' library and we use Facebook too, there we share the different information that each other has. That is the strategies we use no more.

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

¡Hello World!

University of Colima
Ing. Computer Systems
Hi my name is David
I am 18 years old, I am from Manzanillo, Colima. I born here
I like rock music, classical music and metal music, I don´t like the mexican popular music, be honest I hate it jaja
I like read books of science, tecnology and some fantastics novels, my favorit novel is "a song of ice and fire" R.R.MARTIN´s novel, in fact that novel has a tv serie its name is "Game Of Thrones".
When i watch TV i just watch NatGeo, Discovery scince and some of Histoy channel or something of Netflix
I love videogames, movies (comedy,action,terror and superheros movies).
I played electric guitar and electric bass but i have 3 years that i don´t play them anymore.
I choose ISC because I like all about computers and tecnology and I want lern more things about that.
My group is so good, in just 3 weeks(with propedeutico) we have nice relationship and i hope grow up with the time, the INTEGRATING PROYECT looks so difficult but i think beacuse we are new and just we have to hard work and i would like that all nmy classmates finish and pass this semester. bye people, ¡see yo later!